The lens is the heart of any scope. No matter, if it’s a telescope, binocular or spotting scope without a lens, it’s like a car without an engine. We adventurous vagabonds (such as birder, hunter, climber and etc.
knows how important the visual assets are. That’s why, if you see anyone like us taking too much care of his/her scope, it’s precious for him/her.
As a noob, you really won’t get which spotting scope is good for you, how to take care of it and etc. But these are essential knowledge and you have to gather all of it.
For helping you, we’ve gathered all the important basic things you should know about the lens of the spotting scope.
So, let’s get into it.
Basic Things You Should Know About Lens, Magnification and Size
As I said before, the lens is like the heart of any scope. Now, the question is if heart stop working or if the heart isn’t in a good condition, how would a human body survive? It’s the same for the scope.
I hope now you understand how important a lens is! Also, how important gaining knowledge about the lens is! That’s why we gathered all the basic and few advance facts that you should know about a lens.
So, here are those things you should now below!
Objective lens:
So, let’s start with the objective lens. Usually, a scope with the 50-80mm lens is available in the market. It’s enough for any adventure lover. Now, if you’re looking for something more powerful then don’t worry!
There are also some powerful scopes with a larger objective lens (up to 90mm and more) are available. Always remember one thing, the large lens provides a better visual experience.

Magnification power:
Almost every one of you familiar with the word magnification. We all heard about it in our life. In the case of any scope, magnification is very important. Magnifying power will help you to see things closer.
Basically, any scope in the market available with the power from 15x to 60x. You may see in any scopes brochure a number like 15-60×80. It means, with it, you can see an object 15-60 times closer than you would see the object with naked eyes.
However, if you’re looking for something with higher magnification then go for more powerful spotting scopes. If you want to know about powerful magnification glasses then check our article: Most powerful magnification glass available in the market.
Field of view:
So, most of the people get confused when it comes to the field of view. Well, it’s an easy thing. The field of view measured by the width in feet that is visible at 1000 meter/yard.
The FOV is essential for better wildlife experience because it provides fast-moving action.
Remember, higher magnification power gives narrower F.O.V.
Close Focus:
Close focus always provides the clarity of any closed object. Close focus is essential for watching any object clearly.
Lens size:
Lens size is essential. For explaining it, I’ll take an example of the best spotting scope that I ever used. It is Celestron 52250. In the brochure, it says, 20-60×80. It means, 20-60 magnifying power and 80mm objective lens. 80mm is the size of the objective lens.
It’s a powerful lens available in the market, it requires more light to give a better experience. Always keep in your mind, the more light that enters in the spotting scope gives a brighter and clear image.
So, if better or best visual quality is your concern then go for any spotting scope that comes with a big lens.
Prism-Glass and system:
Prism glass means the glass a lens made with. The prism glass provides a better and brighter image with high sharpness in the image.
Usually, the lens is made with the BK-7 or BAK-4 glass. BAK-4 glass is better than BK-7.
While getting a spotting scope, consider BAK-4 because it’s a high-quality glass that you need. Want to know more about prism-glass? Then check this patent report.
So, these are all you should know about the lens of a spotting scope. These are some basic and advance knowledge about the spotting scope lens. It’ll help you to understand more about a lens.
I hope, now you know everything that you should know about a spotting scope’s lens. Now, do you know how to take care of a lens so that it gives its best performance for the long run? In the next section, you’ll learn about it!
How to take care of your spotting scope’s lens
Before start sharing the method, I think, you should know, why and when your lens gets dirty. We’re sharing it because it’ll help you to keep your lens safe when the situation isn’t in your control.
• Dusty weather: In dusty weather, the lens gets dirty fast. So, in rough weather when it’s raining or a huge amount of specks of dust are around you. I recommend you to not to use your scope in a situation like this.
• Our dead skin: No matter whatever we do, we can’t stop our dead skin from falling down and it’s same when it comes to the hair. So, our dead skin cell causes dirt to the lens too.
• Oily skin: If you’ve oily skin then don’t touch your lens. It’ll leave oily marks in your lens which is tough to remove.
These are some main reasons why the lens gets dirty. Now it’s time for the cleaning part.
Things you need for cleaning lens
- Microfiber cloth
- Lens brush
- Lens cleaner
- Facial tissue
Now, if you think, these are not needed. You can clean it with anything then we won’t stop you. However, for keeping the quality of a scope lens, you need all these things. If you don’t know which one is good then we’ve inserted a link of the best product in it. Go and get it!

Lens Cleaning Process
- At first, clean the entire scope with the microfiber cloth. It’ll clean up the entire scope, so no dust particle will get to the lens.
- Now brush the lens and get all the dust particles down from the scope.
- After brushing, get a tissue and put two or three drops of lens cleaner in it. Now, lightly and gently rub it into the lens. Don’t rub hard, it’ll damage the lens health. Remember, don’t use too much of lens cleaner.
- Take another tissue and dry the lens with it by rubbing fast.
- Now check if it’s properly clean. If it is then put back the lens cap. Oh, one more thing, don’t forget to clean the lens caps with the microfiber cap. Always use a lens cap for preventing it from accidental scratches.
So, it’s the best way to clean your lens. Now, you may think, these are not necessary then breathe and wipe method is a wipe. Well, yes! It cleans the lens but it’s very harmful to the lens health. So, I don’t recommend it.
I hope, you’ve gathered enough knowledge about the lens and lens care. We hope that you’ll apply it and our article will help you to keep your lens health good as well.
So, if you still have any question, don’t forget to ask us and enjoy your adventurous life with the spotting scope. Cheers!